FuerteCoin Beta API

Error Codes

Error Code HTTP Status Code Message Details
400 Bad Request Bad Request. The request cannot be processed due to a client syntax error.
401 Unauthorized Authorization required or failed. The request requires user authentication or it has failed.
403 Forbidden Prohibited action for this account or API key. The account or API key does not have permissions to perform the requested action.
404 Not Found The requested endpoint was not found. The requested endpoint was not found on the server.
429 Too Many Requests Too many requests. Rate limited action. Too many requests have been made in a short amount of time. Action is rate limited.
500 Internal Server Error Internal Server Error. An unexpected error occurred on the server while processing the request.
503 Service Unavailable Service temporarily unavailable. The service is temporarily unavailable, try again later.
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway timeout. The server did not receive a timely response from an upstream server.

Example of Use: /api/getblockcount

This endpoint returns the current number of blocks in the FuerteCoin chain.

Request example:

GET https://api.fuertecoin.network/api/getblockcount

Example answer:

{ "blockcount": 675849 }
Web Services Endpoint: api2/webSections

Links to various services provided by FuerteCoin. This endpoint returns JSON data with URLs for different web services related to FuerteCoin:


Returns a list of games available on the FuerteCoin platform. The data is returned as an array of objects, where each object represents a game. Each game object includes fields for game ID, name, alias, image URL, status (active/inactive), maximum and minimum betting limits, creation and last update timestamps, game score, and the platform identifier. Type of return data: Array of Objects.


Returns the total number of games available on the FuerteCoin platform. The data is returned as an integer.


Returns a list of the most recent winnings on the FuerteCoin platform. Each entry includes the username of the winner ('user_name'), the amount won ('amount'), and the date of the win ('date').

Type of return data: Array of Objects (Each object represents a winning entry with user_name, amount, and date).


Returns the current total money supply of FuerteCoin in circulation. Type of return data: Number (Total supply in FuerteCoin units).


Returns the maximum supply of FuerteCoin, indicating the total number of FuerteCoin that can ever be in circulation. Type of return data: Number (Maximum supply in FuerteCoin units).


Returns the current mining difficulty as a double precision number. Type of return data: Number (Difficulty value).


Returns the number of connections the block explorer has to other nodes. Type of return data: Integer (Number of connections).


Returns the current block index in the block chain. Type of return data: Integer (Block index number).


Returns the hash of the block at the specified index; index 0 is the genesis block. Type of return data: String (Block hash).


Returns information about the block with the given hash. Type of return data: JSON Object (Block details).


Returns raw transaction representation for a given transaction id. Decrypt can be set to 0 (false) or 1 (true). Type of return data: String or JSON Object (Raw transaction data).


Returns information for a given address. Type of return data: JSON Object (Address details).


Returns the last [length] transactions for address [hash], starting from offset [start]. Type of return data: Array of JSON Objects (Transaction details).


Returns information for a given transaction hash. Type of return data: JSON Object (Transaction details including inputs, outputs, amount, and more).


Provides detailed information about the distribution of coins between addresses. Type of return data: JSON Object (Distribution details including address, amount, and percentage of total supply).


Returns the current balance of a given address. Type of return data: Number (Balance in FuerteCoin units).


Provides a general summary of the current status of the FuerteCoin network, including data such as difficulty and money supply. Type of return data: JSON Object (Network summary details).


Returns the current price of FuerteCoin in different markets and currencies. Type of return data: JSON Object (Price details in various currencies).


Shows a list of nodes with which the FuerteCoin node has connected. Type of return data: Array of Strings (List of node addresses).


Provides basic statistics about the FuerteCoin network, such as the number of transactions and blocks. Type of return data: JSON Object (Basic network statistics).


Lists all active masternodes on the FuerteCoin network. Type of return data: Array of JSON Objects (List of masternodes and their details).


Smartnode Collateral Update Events Type of return data: Array of JSON Objects


Block Rewards Halving Events. Type of return data: Array of JSON Objects


Returns the last [length] transactions greater than [min] coins, starting from offset [start]. Note: [length] is limited to returning 100 records per query. Type of return data: Array of JSON Objects (Transaction details).


Returns the balance to the direction of the FuerteCoin developers. Type of return data: Number (Balance in FuerteCoin units).